So my brother Jon got Brady a movie for Christmas! Everytime that we are in the family room he immediately gets the remote and hands it to us and says, "bee pooh, bee pooh!" (it's the new winnie the pooh movie, "My friends tigger and Pooh." or that might be movie, I haven't figured it out yet...) over and over! until we turn it on. Then we turn it on and he watches it over and over again! It is really cute! He dances to all the songs and jumps around too. There is a little girl named Darby in it and he laughs whenever she does. It is so funny! There is this one part where Pooh is flying a kite and he gets blown away with the wind and Darby goes and to catch him and when he is back on the ground, the kite falls down and Darby laughs and BRady thinks that part is so funny! I rewind it for him a few times and he laughs over and over!
Anyway, that is all that is new with us, I now get a little bit of time to get things done without him running under my feet.
Here are some pics of Brady watching the movie!

Anyone know any other good movies for a 15 month old?
So with my home health stuff, a lot of kids have the "Signing Times" videos...They are super animated and have songs and are fun! I think I like them more than my patients! But yeah maybe he might like those too?! It also helps with tantrums etc...!
Dido to Kaija's suggestion! "Signing time" has been Parker's favorite since he has been about 9 months old! There are like 25 videos and I just go to the library and get different ones each week! He is pretty much addicted to them. He also loves "The Office"!!! Imagine that! Well, he basically just loves to dance to the music at the start. He asks for that all the time too!
little brady is too cute... all zoned out on the movie... adorable... we have pictures I think of all my sisters kids in the same way... it's nice to get those little breaks, in any way you can!
sorry i posted my comment twice and then deleted the second one... oops!
Oh my gosh, that is just too cute. He is such a doll! And you know of course I am a definite advocate of the signing time videos. Kennedy watched tons of them growing up and signed like 50 signs by the time she was 18 months (it helped that I was an interpreter). They are such fun movies for kids and they really help them with vocab. Awesome.
Glad you're having time to do stuff around the house! I could use a little of that, myself. LOL
This might sound random but Sophia loves the movie Elf. I know. Weird! But it works like a charm when I need to shower. She sits through the whole thing...totally mesmerized.
Hey Sharee!!! Your little boy is so cute! I love his hair, what a doll. So isn't it great when they start watching shows? Cecily's obsessed with Little Einsteins--you'd love that, they totally learn about classical music. Anyway, speaking of classical music, I still want to do Ladyfingers. Seriously the first three times I tried to have it, no one came! And then, as you know from my blog, I've had my nephews for the last 6 months and my life has not been my own anymore. But they will be back with their mom in March so I'll keep you posted. Love ya!
How are you guys? Brady is getting so big!
ANOTHER suggestion...The Heffalump movie. It is a winnie the pooh movie also but the boys laugh their faces off. My boys love Curious George but I can't remember when they really started liking certain shows. But the library is a great suggestion. Way to go super mom!!!
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