Friday, November 14, 2008

Brady's 1 year pics

So, Brady turned one on October 3rd and we finally had his 1-year old pictures taken! My mom is a great photographer, so we decided to have her take the pictures this time. This way we could take them outside and the pictures could be more candid. So, last Saturday we headed out to my parent's house and got busy taking the pics befroe Brady's naptime. It was a little cold... So not all the pictures are outside. But the ones that are are so cute, well I think they are. I think that as parents we automatically get bragging rights. Anyway, Here are some of the pics.

I love this one cuz Brady seems so mischievious...

Here is one with the whole family...All three of us!

Here is Brady and Daddy playing one of Brady's favorite games, being thrown in the air.....

Here is his big cheesy smile

So here is the little guy showing Daddy a leaf

Whenever we say, "oh my head" this is what Brady does...

Brady and Daddy playing in the Snow.

This is when we knew we were done...Too much fidgeting. :)

I was really happy with the pictures! Thanks mom for taking part of your Saturday to take our pics!


Andrea Griggs said...

Wonderful pictures! You have a very cute family!!

Sarah said...

He is adorable! I love his hair. And the family pic is cute too!

Ashley Rae said...

VERY cute pictures. Good job, Sandy. He is such a doll. And he looks like he's just hilarious to be around. What a cutie.

Kaija said...

Those are so so darling! I love his cute smile! I love his clothes Sharee! Fun photoshoot!

Julia said...

such a hot family. good job taking pics momma martin :)

side note: pictures of the family would be cool ifthey were taken in ns. too you know...think about it!!!

The Good, The Bad, and The UGLY of Pinterest said...

cute cute cute!! I love it!!

Ashley Hall said...

I had no idea your mom was into photography. She did a great job! I love outdoor pictures, especially in the fall! My favorite one is the one with the three of you and you are Court are crouched down and Brady is in the middle of you. Soo cute!

shereesa said...

Cute pics! He is so adorable