Wow! Lots to blog about since last time, I will try not to bore your ear off, with many details. :) So, We have moved into our place and are SOO happy to be here and have our own place again! Here are some pics of what it looks like so far...
Our living Room, we are still waiting for the piano arrival, will be tomorrow.
Here is the kitchen.
Here is Brady by the pool.
Let me know if there are more rooms you want to see, I still need to take more pics to share.
We have gone on many adventures since being back up in Salt Lake. It's WAY easier to go to things when we are so close! We have gone to storytime at the library, played with friends, gone to free museum day, which is the Museum of Natural history at the U. It's done the first Monday of each month! So fun!
gone to Delta to visit family, here is Brady and Grampa Morris on top of this manmade hill. Each year Delta hosts a rock crawl. It's really fun to watch!
Playing in the water at gramma Martin's house. Brady got away while I was getting his sun screen... the result...
Adventure in potty training... He keeps being interested then not, and back and forth. I don't want to force him, any ideas? I am hoping to make it happen before baby #2 is born... we will see.
And the result of all this madness is that Brady falls asleep during lunch. He pushed away his plate the other day and put his head down on the table. So i took a picture. :)
Anyway, I think that's it, I'm sure there is more, but I can't remember, I have the pregnancy mush brain now. Hehe :)
5 years ago
Looks like you guys have been having lots of fun! Congrats on your new home
looks like the new place is great... and a pool... nice!! Great for those hot summer days!! Hope the potty training goes well for you, and that it doesn't tire Brady our too much, although that sleeping picture is pretty adorable!!
I love it!! Your new place is awesome. I'd love to see more pictures!
Good luck potty training... haha
congrats on the new place! isnt it nice to have your own space?? I miss it! lol
Brady sleeping is so cute! I have a pic of Becca pretty much the same from this
A pool! How fun! Congrats on the new house! Where is it at? Love the potty training pic! good luck with that! Have you thought of any names for this little girl? Im excited for yoU! Wait its a girl right?
Sharee! It's looks so nice. I'm so happy for you. I want to come up and see it. Call me so we can plan a date! :)
How exciting! many new adventures and you are sure keeping busy. Love the pics. I almost had three in diapers. Potty training scared me to death. The week I had Jamison, my mother-inlaw gave me the boost to let Noah go for it. It was a breeze. Of course he was almost 3.5 but he felt good and was ready. I hope the rest of my boys are that easy. Everyone just kept telling me "When he's ready, he'll be ready, don't force it." It seemed to work.
I loved coming and seeing your house. Its soo nice. It makes me want one(wishful thinking). We will have to get together again. Love the pics by the way. Super cute :)
I am so Jealous you have a house! And I love the pictures of Brady- so cute!
Ps the doctor said 85% its a girl but I find out for sure on Monday!!!!
I hope you guys like your new house!
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