Court was having fun in the boat while I stayed on the shore with Brady. Brady waited until the 5th to play in the boat.
Here is a picture of our little sailor!
Brady is pulling himself up all by himself now and is loving playing all the time! He is almost crawling, he gets up on his knees but then just needs to figure out how to move... Soon, I'm sure!
Well, I will keep you posted! Hopefully better than I have in the past. :)
saw these picturs on facebook and just loved them. brady is super cute.
glad you guys are having a good summer, enjoy the sun while you can. you know it'll suck when it starts snowing again...ick.
HI!! I'm so glad you have a blog! I check those so much more regularly than facebook. Haha.
Brady is such an amazingly cute baby. He's getting so big! You guys look so happy- I love it.
You are so sweet. Thanks for the comments. Auditions are a week from today- I'm pretty excited. I will let you know how it goes!!
All of our friends are WAY talented, aren't they? (You are of course included in that "All" statement) :)
Hey girl~
I am glad you found me!!! I love the blog! YOu lil boy a so cute... how old is he? I think him and my Heather are about the same age! Did your mom ever tell you I saw her around easter at roberts? I just love your mom! Hope all is good!
Ok, so I am a total blog stalker. I found you through Ashley's blog. Just wanted to say hi. You look amazing and your little boy is adorable. I hope all is well for you. Sounds like you are enjoying your summer.
Fancy meeting you here! Brady is adorable.
Hi Sharee, it's fun to find your blog. I found it on another sorority girl's site. It's great to see what you have been up to. Your little boy is so cute.
Hi Sharee! I found your blog on Ashley's!! Hope thats ok! I cannot believe how big Brady is! He is darling!
Your blog is cute - it was fun to find it! We still need to introduce our kiddos to each other soon! If you want, my blog is:
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