So, today is Easter and I am quite proud of myself that I am doing this post today instead of in a month or so.
Brady had so much fun dying eggs last night! I am surprised the Easter Bunny didn't confuse him for an egg. He had dye all over his hands and legs and tummy. Luckily, all he had on was his diaper. Here are some pics!
So, I had a lot of fun putting Brady's "basket" together! So excited in fact that I had a hard time sleeping last night... Anyway, we got up this morning and Brady usually goes and says Hi to Gramma and Grampa, but today, he was on his way and saw this instead....
So, then, we went on an Easter Egg Hunt. he pushed around his new truck and found eggs. He loved it!!! Loved gathering the eggs and putting them in his truck and pushing them around to find more!
Later, after church, the cousins came over, found the baskets from gramma and grampa, and then we found more eggs outside. I am so glad the weather was good!
We had so nuch fun today! I loved watching Brady run around looking for the eggs and playing with all the new fun toys! It's true what they say, Holidays are so much more fun with little kids around!! Epecially if they are your own kids!
How was your day?
5 years ago
looks like a super fun easter!! I'm excited for the day we have kids and get to share the holiday fun with them! Brady looked like he had a blast!!! Happy Easter!
Cute! I love how messy he is. Hehe. What a cute kid. That is a great idea to use a truck for his Easter basket! I'll bet he just loved that...
And I LOVE your smile in that picture. You just crack me up, Ree.
Guess what- Aisha (mortimer) is in my new ward! Crazy, huh?
so cute!! i just love the easter pics..especially the ones of him dying the eggs!! Easter was a great day! Im so glad emma and brady love each other so much~!
Cute! looks fun, and I do agree that holidays are way more fun with kids, and yes, especially your own
Oh Easter pictures are so great! And gus congrats to you too on your new baby ! Like last time your going to be a few weeks ahead of me-Hopefully you come first this time! What's you due date!
HOpe you find a house!
looks like you guys had fun! I agree holidays are more fun with kids. So you are looking to move? where do you think you'll end up?
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