So my Canadian friend, Julia, tagged me. So, this is good, cuz it gives me something to blog about...
Rules: Write 6 random things about myself, link the person who tagged you & post the rules. Tag six people. Let them know they have been tagged.
1. Most of my time now consists of watching kid movies and playing with Brady. It's good cuz the new movies are actually quite entertaining and the old movies, I am catching everything I missed when watching them as a little kid... you know like the adult humor and dialog that there is no way that children know anything about. For instance in the Jungle Book, the elephant in charge talks about when he was in the Mah Haragh's party or something. I only know about the Mah Haragh because of Moulin Rouge... But that is a great example about how watching kid movies are actually entertaining and educational.
2. I am SICK of renting!! I can't wait til we find a home that will work for us to buy. hopefully soon!
3. I recently have rediscovered the fun of playing hearts and minesweeper. It's a challenge and it is pretty fun. and addicting...
4. Court made me a shelf and I still haven't painted it. It is really cute! I am kinda waiting til we get a house...
5. I get random songs in my head. For instance, this morning, court and I both had a song in our heads, the same one, it was about a car. Anyway, neither of us can remember it right now, and neither of us knew where we heard it. It was just in our head.
6. Hmmm, I can't wait til Spring. I used to really like the winter when I snowboarded. But now, i haven't been this whole year and I am counting down the days til Spring! only about a month and a half... plus or minus a couple weeks. :)
Now, I tag:
Sarah S
Ashley C
Kristin B
Amanda C
Sheree D
Sam Yam
5 years ago